PAYMENT - Payment is due from the client upon media delivery and is required in order to download the media.
RESCHEDULING/CANCELLATION - We do not charge a cancellation or rescheduling fee, as long as it is done before our photographers arrive on site. Fee for an on-site cancellation is $50. We understand things happen but we ask that every effort is made to reschedule or cancel no later than 12 hours prior to your scheduled appointment time.
COPYRIGHT NOTICE - Jordan Wyatt Ashley is the copyright holder of any image we produce. The copyright of an image is not to be transferred to any other party (home owner, designer, architect, etc.) unless a specific written agreement is made.
Real Estate Photo License Agreement -
[Client], who purchased a license for these photos, is hereby authorized to a limited license to use said photography for the purposes of marketing [FullAddress] for as long as [Client] represents the property. This license does not grant or constitute the transfer of ownership or any intellectual property rights, which are all explicitly held by Jordan Wyatt Ashley LLC. Photos may not be gifted to stagers, designers, builders, or any other third parties, with the exception of the homeowners. All other uses must be renegotiated with Jordan Wyatt Ashley LLC and may incur an additional commercial license fee. Payment and acknowledgment of this agreement binds the clients to these terms and conditions.
Images cannot be sold to another agent who takes over an expired or withdrawn listing, as the purchasing agent does not own the photographs, but rather the right to use them during the period of time that they are representing the property. The purchasing agent may reuse photos if the property is temporarily removed from the market.
Rental Property Photography License Terms & Agreement -
The Rental Property License Photography Agreement includes the perpetual, commercial usage of the photos by [Client] to advertise the rental property and to market their business. It does not include the selling or sharing of the photos with a third party (e.g. a designer, stager, corporate office, magazine, editorial, etc), except for the homeowner. These and all other uses must be renegotiated with Jordan Wyatt Ashley LLC and may incur and additional cost. The intellectual property and ownership of the photos remains with Jordan Wyatt Ashley LLC, per industry standard practice. Acceptance of the terms and payment of the services binds the client to this agreement and violating it in anyway will lead to the client being held liable for damages.
Builder Photography License Terms & Agreement -
The Builder Photography License Agreement includes the perpetual, commercial usage of the photos by [Client], be it the builder or the realtor representing the property, to advertise the property and to market the business of the builder. It does not include the selling or sharing of the photos with a third party (e.g. a designer, stager, corporate office, magazine, editorial, etc), an exception is made for gifts to the homeowner. These and all other uses must be renegotiated with Jordan Wyatt Ashley LLC and may incur and additional cost. The intellectual property and ownership of the photos remains with Jordan Wyatt Ashley LLC, per industry standard practice. Acceptance of the terms and payment of the services binds the client to this agreement and violating it in anyway will lead to the client being held liable for damages.
Have questions? Email us at
[email protected]